Hi Jacques,

I am also working on JWT (Jason Web Token) mechanism. I'll share the JWT
design and detail
Sorry for too late reply.
Here is the ticket for this work

We can discuss more over ticket .

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 1:49 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi Rahul,
> Did you finally implement this? If yes could you contribute or share?
> I'm currently working on such a solution and would prefer to share before
> contributing my own
> Jacques
> Le 18/06/2016 à 15:01, Rahul Bhooteshwar a écrit :
>> Hello All,
>> Recently felt the need of Token Based Authentication process in Apache
>> OfBiz while using OfBiz's business process offerings with standalone
>> clients like Mobile Apps, Angular JS based apps running outside Apache
>> OfBiz etc.
>> What currently we are having in OfBiz is session based authentication
>> process which is *stateful*. But while dealing with the independently
>> running remote clients stateful authentication is not gonna work as we
>> will
>> not be using *server-browser session* anymore in those cases.
>> Following are the initial draft & supporting documents to proceed further:
>>     - Token Based Authentication in Apache OfBiz
>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xbpjNWGZp8B_79YJmPxmSJq
>> kx7Qo_EI7u_PE0WNt3B4/edit#heading=h.g14rrmsoijiv>
>>     - Token Based Authentication
>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/15QBV87vMD42QppCaHpxgcef
>> cg_ac7HFeSQQnF_S50nk/edit#heading=h.mdriqalojfy4>
>>     - JSON Web Tokens
>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wLfv8h_Kkd4iHBxW4Gkx987
>> Q7KBocWAGvss2p4N4fIM/edit>
>>     - IETF's  (Internet Engineering Task Force) Documentation for JSON Web
>>     Tokens
>>     <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzXOhs4-o0n9cHVGckgwUndsUG
>> c/view?pref=2&pli=1>
>> I would like to propose a requirement to implement this in OfBiz, & invite
>> you all to provide valuable inputs to conclude the requirements &
>> implementation plans.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> *Rahul Bhooteshwar*
>> Enterprise Software Engineer
>> HotWax Systems <http://www.hotwaxsystems.com/> - *Global leader in
>> innovative enterprise commerce solutions **powered by Apache OFBiz.*

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