Hi all,
Currently, I work on a pdf invoice creation for a personal project
and I
wish go for this time to improve the printable document
configuration (like
order pdf, invoice pdf, shipment pdf, and soon) related to the
organizational party that at its origin.
To realize it I started a POC where a add a new entity
(maybe you have a better name) that associate an organizational party
(PartyAcctgPreference), a documentType (invoiceType, orderType...)
and a
The content return the screen to use (as blog concept) and the standard
document screen return the given screen or call the default screen
is empty.
With this improvement, you can create your own pdf template document
in your
custom plugin with associate data and use it without any framework
More, if you have a specific case to rendering different document
functional case, you can implement it on your screen.
Also, we can have a standard choice to rendering your document from a
content, manageable from PartyContent association.
The life isn't pretty ? (french expression, if you not understant, just
ignore it :)
Feel free if you have some remarks, I will create an issue for each
type manageable by this concept to detail more this idea.
For example :
Content data
<DataResource dataResourceId="MY_TPL_SALES_INV"
dataResourceTypeId="URL_RESOURCE" dataResourceName="My templage sales
invoice" mimeTypeId="application/pdf"
<Content contentId="MY_TPL_SALES_INV" contentTypeId="DOCUMENT"
dataResourceId="MY_TPL_SALES_INV" contentName="My Beautyfull
template sales
invoice with flowers"/>
<ContentPurposeType contentPusposeTypeId="INVOICE_TEMPLATE"
description="Content dedicate to rendering invoices"/>
<PartyAcctgPrefTplDoc partyId="Company"
contentId="MY_TPL_SALES_INV" fromDate="2000-01-01 00:00:00" />
Standard screen
<screen name="InvoicePDF">...
<include-screen name="${screenName}"
<screen name="DefaultInvoicePDF">
GetInvoiceTemplateScreen.groovy return DefaultInvoicePDF screen if
found any configuration for the invoice.partyIdFrom (for sales) or
invoice.partyId (for purchase)
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Nicolas Malin
The apache way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Charity* Apache’s
mission is
providing software for the public good.
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