Hi devs,

this is just an initial information and dicussion starter to make everyone aware of this:

the Oracle Java release model is changing from a feature based to a time based model [1]. One major drawback is that there will be no more public patch releases for older versions once a new release is published, if I understand correctly.

We'll have to discuss if this affects the project in terms of support for the latest public Java releases. If we want to stay up-to-date according to the public releases, we'll have to establish a process to early check the new features and changes of a coming release and maybe release more often.

We might even have to support the latest Java release along with the current LTS release to cover both users with and without commercial support? I'm not sure.

What do you think?

Best regards,


[1] https://www.azul.com/java-stable-secure-free-choose-two-three/

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