On 13 March 2018 at 13:12, Rajesh Mallah <mallah.raj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was not suggesting to use schemas  in general for for accommodating
> tenants.
> Each tenant can reside in its own dedicated DB.
> When we use OFBiz as a part of some application that has other relational
> data as well, then schema partitioning comes handy.
> Eg, The OFBiz data lies in its own schema say 'ofbiz'  and the other
> application data lies in another schema say 'general' or 'app' etc. it
> makes utilizing
> ofbiz.*  and general.* tables easier. It allows close integration of
> applications with
> OFBiz.
> As far as other DBs are concerned that do not have same notion of schema,
> the feature can be done on an optional basis (ie controlled by the args) ,
>  i guess the current form of entityengine.xml is already doing it i.e,
> handling diverse DBs and supporting (Pg) schema at the same time.
> Also the DBname specification is currently embedded in the jdbc_uri , if we
> can have an option for specifying / overriding the 2 kinds of DBs
> (org.apache.ofbiz
> and org.apache.ofbiz.olap) while creating a tenant it shall allow to use
> existing DBs.
> This shall be very handy for migrations /  consolidation of DBs in
> enterprise environments.

Hi Rajesh,

OK, thanks.

I agree it would be useful to have the database name as a separate logical
thing rather than embedded in the URI.

Integrating two applications and two schemas within one database might be
the best. But managing permissions gets tricky - each application would
have its own security management, and yet requires some access to the other
application's data, even if read-only. It would be difficult to scale one
application independently of the other using a cluster or some other
technique. Have you considered using XML-RPC services instead?


Paul Foxworthy

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192

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