Thank you all for your kind feedback.

I gathered in here 3 generally positive replies to the proposal. I
will create a JIRA for this task for which volunteers are _highly_
appreciated. Thank you Rishi also for stepping in.

I do not fancy lazy consensus in important design decisions, so some
additional voices and opinions would also be great. If you have any
concerns or questions I'd love to hear them.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Taher Alkhateeb
<> wrote:
> Yes possibly folders, and more likely just file names. For example:
> service-library/
> ├── ofbiz-component.xml
> └── services
>     ├── accounting-services.xml
>     ├── content-services.xml
>     ├── humanres-services.xml
>     ├── manufacturing-services.xml
>     ├── marketing-services.xml
>     ├── order-services.xml
>     ├── party-services.xml
>     ├── product-services.xml
>     ├── shipment-services.xml
>     └── workeffort-services.xml
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Paul Foxworthy <> wrote:
>> On 7 March 2018 at 16:57, Taher Alkhateeb <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yeah I am proposing one big component to house all services. The reason is
>>> that it makes no sense in separating them because they are tightly coupled
>>> and depend on each other heavily (because they share the full data model)
>>> As I mentioned in my first email, we can perhaps create a new component and
>>> call it "service-library". Inside this component we follow a similar
>>> pattern to the datamodel component in organizing the files.
>>> To me the big win out of this move is that all the complexity we have right
>>> now in figuring out the dependencies between components almost completely
>>> goes away. Remember that big spaghetti diagram in the wiki for component
>>> dependencies? We get rid of that.
>>> Did I understand your question correctly and WDYT?
>> You did understand correctly and I think I agree.
>> Would there be folders for human understanding and some organisation, but
>> without them defining separate components?
>> Thanks
>> Paul Foxworthy
>> --
>> Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
>> PO Box 2773
>> Cheltenham Vic 3192
>> Australia
>> Phone: +61 3 9585 6788
>> Web:
>> Email:

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