
Actually there are country flags in current default theme (Rainbow) but only 
few flags were provided OOTB.

It's though harder for RTL language, I have opened 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9866 for that

In Tomahawk (the previous default theme) you had only the word language on top 
right, maybe easier than missing flags...


Le 20/03/2018 à 09:25, Rajesh Mallah a écrit :
Hi  ,

At times we find the demo instance in a foreign language and it is
difficult to reset the language back to preferred one. Should we have
some flags (visual) in most / common themes so that language of
interface can be quickly changed to the one the current user
understands. Such a facility should preferably be visible outright
in the menus or in footer.


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