
Thank you for your reply and more insights. I was just trying to tell the
group OFBiz capabilities that how quickly entities can be separated among
databases if required (not to everyone but to those who are newer). And yes
in that case CRUD would be slower and only gains is in reads.

If we talk about FKs, I did this in past and in case of mysql it maintain
the FKs the referential integrity among different db. I do agree with you
on the fact that, this is not good idea to have more database, instead
OFBiz supports many ways to retrieve the data way faster rather separating
the database.

So rather that using the separate database, considering the flat
information storage would be better idea IMO for faster read.

Best Regards,

Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 7:12 AM, Paul Foxworthy <> wrote:

> On 25 March 2018 at 01:58, Rishi Solanki <> wrote:
> > Register new group in entityengine.xml with new name and data resource;
> >
> > <group-map group-name=""
> > datasource-name="yourDataResourceName"/>
> >
> > Add new data resource entry in the entityengine.xml like we have many. In
> > your case entityengine will contains two entry as localmysql and
> > localmysql2 (or any name you prefer).
> > Now register all the entities with "" in
> entity-group.xml.
> >
> > Refer <group-map group-name="org.apache.ofbiz.tenant"
> > datasource-name="localderbytenant"/> and related entries for more
> details.
> >
> Thanks Rishi.
> If you do define a new group, does that mean:
> - any transaction that modifies entities in two different groups will be
> slower as the transaction must be a distributed transaction with two-phase
> commit? To put it another way, with good design decisions, entity groups
> may well give you  faster reads, but writes very likely won't be?
> - Foreign key constraints and thus guaranteed referential integrity might
> not be possible between groups because not all DBMSes support FKs that
> refer to another database?
> Thanks
> Paul Foxworthy
> --
> Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
> PO Box 2773
> Cheltenham Vic 3192
> Australia
> Phone: +61 3 9585 6788
> Web:
> Email:

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