Hi Taher,

+1 to the suggestion.

Personally I think Bootstrap and Vue are quite easy. We started a new project 
(a procurement platform) from this April 9th, we happened to choose Bootstrap 
and Vue(Element) as frontend. My team had zero Vue knowledge, and decided to 
use it by their own, the reason they told me is that they tried to play it and 
found they love it. I suggested react and they didn't like it. We bought a 
bootstrap theme, now we have completed v0.1 development and in the middle of 
v0.2. It's going to production this month or next month. Here is our internal 
test environment, hope you like it (BTW it's restarted frequently):
Username: TC_10110 or TC_10120
Password: 123456

Another story (bluffing part): my son is in his 3rd year in a university, he 
has just completed a 3-month practical training in Online Media Group of 
Tencent (Tencent is a local company in China) in his spare time, Tencent uses 
react, so he learned react from zero. At the end of the training, he 
contributed more than 1000 lines code to the news feed section of WeChat(a 
popular app in China) which is used by over 700 million android users in China 
every day.

Kind Regards,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Taher Alkhateeb [mailto:slidingfilame...@gmail.com] 
发送时间: 2018年5月13日 2:03
收件人: OFBIZ Development Mailing List
主题: [Discussion] Introduction of Bootstrap and Vue.js

Hello Everyone,

Recently, we at Pythys had some interactions with clients, and the
user interface proved to be a sour point. It is functioning well, but
looks too classic, too rigid, too 2000s really :) We had many
discussion and attempts in the past like [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
[8] [9] [10] just to name a few all of which seemed not to follow

So what is the problem? Why is this hard to get right? I'm not sure I
have the magic answer, but it seems to me like part of the problem is
simply .. TOO BIG

So I was thinking about a possible solution, and after some initial
research, I think maybe the solution (like everything else) needs to
be slow, incremental and evolutionary rather than revolutionary. So I
am suggesting the following ideas to try and move forward:

- We include the assets for Bootstrap in the common theme. Bootstrap
will give us the Grid system which allows for a responsive website
that works on all devices, it will also give us beautiful widgets to
work with.
- We include Vue.js assets in the common theme. Vue.js is an excellent
framework for creating Single Page Applications (SPAs) to give dynamic
behavior to our pages and create ajax-heavy pages
- We slowly migrate our old CSS to bootstrap constructs. We can begin
for example by replacing our menus, then tables, then headers, then
buttons etc ..
- We slowly introduce dynamic screens using controller logic in Vue.js
- We slowly update our macro library to migrate to the above mentioned
libraries and widgets
- We do all of this live in Trunk, without branching. This means that
for some period of time, there will be transitional code (a little bit
of bootstrap and a little bit of our current code)

We can start with an initial proof of concept skeleton, and if that
gets consensus, then we can move forward with a full implementation in
trunk. I think this issue is many years over due. Our interface looks
oooooooooooooold and really needs a face lift.

What do you think? Ideas? Suggestions?

[1] https://s.apache.org/rf94
[2] https://s.apache.org/g5zr
[3] https://s.apache.org/XpBO
[4] https://s.apache.org/YIL1
[5] https://s.apache.org/836D
[6] https://s.apache.org/DhyB
[7] https://s.apache.org/Lv9E
[8] https://s.apache.org/zKIo
[9] https://s.apache.org/D6jx
[10] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5840

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