Hi Rishi,

In the xsd it's better to use xs:boolean type, instead of enumeration type.



Le 9 juin 2018 14:34:49 GMT+02:00, ri...@apache.org a écrit :
>Author: rishi
>Date: Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>New Revision: 1833231
>URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1833231&view=rev
>Improved: Add Support for Disable attribute in CheckBox Form Widget.
>Disabled attrivute can be used as 
><field><check disabled=true/></field>
>and default value for attribute will be false.
>Thanks Pawan Verma for reporting the improvement and providing patch
>for that.
>Thanks James Yong for testing the work.
>    ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/framework/widget/dtd/widget-form.xsd
>--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/framework/widget/dtd/widget-form.xsd
>+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/framework/widget/dtd/widget-form.xsd
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -956,6 +956,14 @@ under the License.
>                     </xs:restriction>
>                 </xs:simpleType>
>             </xs:attribute>
>+            <xs:attribute name="disabled" default="false">
>+                <xs:simpleType>
>+                    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
>+                        <xs:enumeration value="true" />
>+                        <xs:enumeration value="false" />
>+                    </xs:restriction>
>+                </xs:simpleType>
>+            </xs:attribute>
>         </xs:complexType>
>     </xs:element>
>     <xs:element name="container" substitutionGroup="AllFields">
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -980,25 +980,30 @@ public class ModelFormField {
>     public static class CheckField extends FieldInfoWithOptions {
>       public final static String ROW_SUBMIT_FIELD_NAME = "_rowSubmit";
>         private final FlexibleStringExpander allChecked;
>+        private final boolean disabled;
>private CheckField(CheckField original, ModelFormField modelFormField)
>             super(original, modelFormField);
>             this.allChecked = original.allChecked;
>+            this.disabled = original.disabled;
>         }
>    public CheckField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
>             super(element, modelFormField);
>allChecked =
>+            this.disabled =
>         }
>    public CheckField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
>             super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.CHECK, modelFormField);
>             this.allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
>+            this.disabled = false;
>         }
>         public CheckField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
>     super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.CHECK, modelFormField);
>             this.allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
>+            this.disabled = false;
>         }
>         @Override
>@@ -1023,6 +1028,10 @@ public class ModelFormField {
>             return null;
>         }
>+        public boolean getDisabled() {
>+            return this.disabled;
>+        }
>         @Override
>public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object>
>context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
>                 throws IOException {
>@@ -4335,4 +4344,4 @@ public class ModelFormField {
>         formStringRenderer.renderTextFindField(writer, context, this);
>         }
>     }
>\ No newline at end of file
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ public class XmlWidgetFieldVisitor exten
>         visitModelField(checkField.getModelFormField());
>         writer.append("<check");
>         visitAttribute("all-checked", checkField.getAllChecked());
>+        visitAttribute("disabled", checkField.getDisabled());
>         visitFieldInfoWithOptions(checkField);
>         writer.append("</check></field>");
>     }
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -1019,6 +1019,7 @@ public final class MacroFormRenderer imp
>         String currentValue = modelFormField.getEntry(context);
>         String conditionGroup = modelFormField.getConditionGroup();
>         Boolean allChecked = checkField.isAllChecked(context);
>+        boolean disabled = checkField.getDisabled();
>         String id = modelFormField.getCurrentContainerId(context);
>         String className = "";
>         String alert = "false";
>@@ -1073,7 +1074,9 @@ public final class MacroFormRenderer imp
>         }
>         sr.append("\" tabindex=\"");
>         sr.append(tabindex);
>-        sr.append("\" />");
>+        sr.append("\" disabled=");
>+        sr.append(Boolean.toString(disabled));
>+        sr.append(" />");
>         executeMacro(writer, sr.toString());
>         this.appendTooltip(writer, context, modelFormField);
>     }
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ under the License.
> </#macro>
> <#macro renderTooltip tooltip tooltipStyle></#macro>
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex></#macro>
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex
><#macro renderRadioField items className alert currentValue
>noCurrentSelectedKey name event action conditionGroup
><#macro renderSubmitField buttonType className alert formName title
>name event action imgSrc confirmation containerId ajaxUrl
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ under the License.
> </#if>
> </#macro>
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex><@makeBlock ""
>"" /></#macro>
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex
>disabled><@makeBlock "" "" /></#macro>
><#macro renderRadioField items className alert currentValue
>noCurrentSelectedKey name event action conditionGroup
>tabindex><@makeBlock "" "" /></#macro>
><#macro renderSubmitField buttonType className alert formName title
>name event action imgSrc confirmation containerId ajaxUrl
>tabindex><@makeBlock "" "" /></#macro>
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -252,13 +252,14 @@ under the License.
>   </#if>
> </#macro>
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id name action
>conditionGroup="" allChecked="" currentValue=""  event="" tabindex="">
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id name action
>conditionGroup="" allChecked="" currentValue=""  event="" tabindex=""
>   <#if conditionGroup?has_content>
>    <input type="hidden" name="${name}_grp" value="${conditionGroup}"/>
>   </#if>
>   <#list items as item>
>     <span <@renderClass className alert />><#rt/>
><input type="checkbox"<#if (item_index == 0)>
>id="${id}"</#if><#rt/><#if tabindex?has_content>
>+        <#if disabled?has_content && disabled>
><#if allChecked?has_content && allChecked> checked="checked" <#elseif
>allChecked?has_content && !allChecked>
><#elseif currentValue?has_content && currentValue==item.value>
>value="${item.value?default("")?html}"<#if event?has_content>
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ under the License.
> </#macro>
> <#macro renderTooltip tooltip tooltipStyle></#macro>
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex></#macro>
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex
><#macro renderRadioField items className alert currentValue
>noCurrentSelectedKey name event action conditionGroup
><#macro renderSubmitField buttonType className alert formName title
>name event action imgSrc confirmation containerId ajaxUrl
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ under the License.
><#macro renderDropDownField name className alert id multiple formName
>otherFieldName event action size firstInList currentValue
>explicitDescription allowEmpty options fieldName otherFieldName
>otherValue otherFieldSize dDFCurrent ajaxEnabled noCurrentSelectedKey
>ajaxOptions frequency minChars choices autoSelect partialSearch
>partialChars ignoreCase fullSearch conditionGroup
>tabindex><@renderItemField explicitDescription "txf"
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup
>tabindex><@renderItemField currentValue "txf" className/></#macro>
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex
>disabled><@renderItemField currentValue "txf" className/></#macro>
><#macro renderRadioField items className alert currentValue
>noCurrentSelectedKey name event action conditionGroup
>tabindex><@renderItemField currentValue "txf" className/></#macro>
>Sat Jun  9 12:34:49 2018
>@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ under the License.
><#macro renderDropDownField name className alert id multiple formName
>otherFieldName event action size firstInList currentValue
>explicitDescription allowEmpty options fieldName otherFieldName
>otherValue otherFieldSize dDFCurrent ajaxEnabled noCurrentSelectedKey
>ajaxOptions frequency minChars choices autoSelect partialSearch
>partialChars ignoreCase fullSearch conditionGroup tabindex>
> </#macro>
>-<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex></#macro>
>+<#macro renderCheckField items className alert id allChecked
>currentValue name event action conditionGroup tabindex
><#macro renderRadioField items className alert currentValue
>noCurrentSelectedKey name event action conditionGroup
><#macro renderSubmitField buttonType className alert formName title
>name event action imgSrc confirmation containerId ajaxUrl

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