Thanks Saurabh,

One thing I would like to add here is createATPRequirementsForOrder service
runs before reservation logic.
IMO, we should change that seca rule event to 'global-commit-post-run'
instead of 'commit'.

In this way, requirement generation flow will run after reservation logic
and shortfall calculation will become more accurate.
Also, I see no reason to calculate minimum from shortfall and ordered
quantity. I guess we should create requirement for shortfall quantity if
results to a positive integer.

Thanks and Regards,
Suraj Khurana | Omni-channel OMS Technical Expert

On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 2:30 PM, Saurabh Dixit <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> While working on the Manufacturing workflow, I found a gap in the creation
> of requirements using createATPRequirementsForOrder service.
> Failing Scenario:
> Consider a fresh setup up with a product of type FINISHED_GOOD with a BOM
> (say product whose inventory is always 0 or less than 0) whose attributes
> are as follows,
> ordered = 4 (with a check of cancelQty = null)
> minimumStock = 0
> atp = 0
> previousRequirements = 0
> So, the shortfall will be calculated as,
> shortfall = minimumStock - atp - previousRequirements = 0 (results in a
> zero)
> then, the min(ordered, shortfall) is calculated which evaluates to be,
> required = min(ordered, shortfall) = min(4,0) = 0
> This required is then compared with value ZERO, and the maximum between the
> both decides the further flow. If the required is found max then, the
> createRequirement is called and the requirement is created, if not, then
> the requirement for that order item is skipped and the loop continues with
> the next order item.
> In this case, it evaluates as,
> max(0, 0) <= 0 which evaluated to true, and the loop continues to execute
> for other items (if any) instead of creating the requirement for the
> ordered quantity.
> If we now see the Sales Order and the quantity for which the requirement
> was meant to be created (but had not),
> Qty (Sales Order asks for) = 4
> Qty (Requirement is created) = 0,
> This definitely represents the flaw in the process, which is to choose the
> max(ordered, shortfall) instead of min(ordered, shortfall) based on some
> condition that distinguishes the scenarios, so that this case is also
> considered with the previous workflow.
> Please put forth your valuable feedbacks.
> Thanks and regards
> Saurabh Dixit
> Enterprise Software Engineer
> HotWax Systems

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