One more scenario to consider while weighing in the design is that all the
categories' items are not necessarily required to be counted in the
facility. And at times these categories have dedicated locations for
stocking. For example, supply items or consumables.

It would be nice to make it configurable such that only eligible categories'
locations/items are listed for counting by default.

Thanks & Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Yashwant Dhakad <>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2018 5:07 PM
Cc: Yashwant Dhakad <>
Subject: Inventory Cycle Count feature gap

Hello All,
Currently, we don't have any user interface to do cycle count for the
warehouse, Where user can create or manage cycle count for different
locations within any facility. Authorized users to approve or reject the
count and record variance. Also, the recorded variance against
counted/scanned locations can be made available in the form of the report on
a daily basis. Based on this I am proposing this feature where we can record
and manage the cycle count through different sessions in following

   1. Create Cycle Count session: User can create a new cycle count session
   by scanning any location from the facility and system would list all the
   inventory items or product ids. The user can physically count or scan the
   inventory/product and update the physical count. Apart from this, user
   also be allowed to manually add any not listed inventory item or product
   the same session. Once record count is completed user can submit the
   cycle count session for review. As soon as the session is created the
   locations can be locked from honoring any inward or outward inventory
   movement or transactions through them.
   2. Find Counting session: On this screen, User can view all the existing
   sessions and further filter by session id, facility, location and status.
   3. Review Cycle Count session:  On this screen, any authorized user can
   review the cycle count for open sessions and accept or reject the
   count, once done system would create the
   necessary variance to corresponding inventory item or product and update
   the ATP/QOH accordingly.
   4. Variance Report screen: On this screen, the user can view the actual
   variance based on facility, location, product/inventory and date.
   5. Later on if required we can also schedule the submitted location for
   next cycle count by setting next counting date. This would allow to user
   see all the pending location on any given date where cycle count is due.
   And can start new sessions for the same.

Please share your thoughts and we make the necessary changes in the workflow
based on that feedback.

Thanks & Regards
Yashwant Dhakad

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