Hi All

     It looks like there is no mechanism to prevent CSRF attack in ofbiz. If I 
am logged in to ofbiz instance on my local and create a sample standalone HTML 
page and try to submit to either a GET or a POST ofbiz URL, I am successfully 
through and various cookies (applicable to the domain) are also sent by the 
browser to Ofbiz instance. That essentially is CSRF. This can be reproduced 
with a script tag with a valid ofbiz URL as src and you can actually see in the 
developer console the request made through and response is received.

Of course this attack has a context - that the user is logged in and happens on 
the victim's browser. 

I replaced ofbiz URL with gmail and made sure I am logged in to my gmail 
account. I saw a vague/obsure response from gmail in the console meaning it 
prevented itself.

 I feel we can handle it in multiple ways and one of the ways is adding 
SameSite cookie which is a fairly new concept and per latest information Chrome 
already supports it and FireFox has also added support for the same. Browsers 
supporting this Cookie will not send JSESSIONID or any other SameSite cookie to 
the request if the request is cross-site. Each cookie needs to be flagged with 
SameSite with possible values being strict or lax. 
Here's its IETF draft - 

 I also think we should not rely on this as the sole prevention mechanism and 
should also do something on the server side in the sense that we should not 
rely on the browser support. Tomcat does support a filter - 
org.apache.catalina.filters.CsrfPreventionFilter that appends a nonce for every 
request and stores the same in session.

We should also add support for checking Origin and Referrer headers. I think 
there is a lot we can do.

I have not seen any reference in the current trunk code for both SameSite 
cookie and CsrfPreventionFilter filter. If we can make everyone on the same 
page on CSRF, I would like to propose we go ahead with this change. I think we 
will need to handle it in multiple ways.

I can create a JIRA with all details provided we have the necessary concord.

Thanks and Best regards,
Girish Vasmatkar
HotWax Systems

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