Hi Shi

Sorry had already prepared my response …

I don’t think so that this is possible anymore the dependency tree is too big 
all classes are nearly needed the Transfer Objects have logic inside 
And from my point of view always a problem..

I will now check if there is a possibility to return the data in json style, 
I’m not very happy with this but I don’t see any other solution…

Background: The reason why I need this is I want to sync data from odoo ERP to 
Ofbiz and use there the ECommerce part

br horst

On 2018/10/24 07:55:11, Shi Jinghai <h...@hotmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi Horst,> 
> Good question. The original ofbiz-rmi.jar is a thin rmi client, you can use 
> it access ofbiz remotely. It's missing after changing to use gradle, it can 
> be recovered by adding a new task to build the jar separately.> 
> The missing file exception may be related to underlying logging framework of 
> your application server.> 
> You can treat Gradle as an alternative version of maven build tool, same 
> concepts but simple writing.> 
> Kind Regards,> 
> Shi Jinghai> 
> -----邮件原件-----> 
> 发件人: horst leitenmueller [mailto:horst.leitenmuel...@it4health.at] > 
> 发送时间: 2018年10月23日 16:09> 
> 收件人: dev@ofbiz.apache.org> 
> 主题: Question on RMI in current version 17.12> 
> Hi,> 
> I have a question on accessing the Backend of Ofbiz via RMI there have been a 
> example client which was integrated in a single jar of ofbiz> 
> But I want to integrate it in an application server (at the moment I get an 
> exception of missing file java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory)> 
> It seems that something is trying to do more than I want that it does…> 
> Question 1: Is there / was there a thin client jar file to access it from the 
> outside ?> 
> Question 2: IF Question 1 is not  true how can I extract it on the current 
> project structure ? The classes are splittet over all framework parts and I’m 
> not a gradle specialist to get this flying…> 
> Perhaps somebody can help or explain me..  (btw maven not a problem same with 
> ant) > 
> Br horst> 

Ing. DI Horst Leitenmueller
Sperlstr. 11
4040 Linz

tel.: +43 650 2042702
email: horst.leitenmuel...@it4health.at

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