Hi Deepak, Girish,

I had a look at the issue. The specifications of Java Servlet Specification 3.0 
don't include an annotation to change the session time out.


I think the best solution is to put back what we had before, ie set it to a 
value (it was 1 hour before) in all web.xml file and remove the

   session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60*60); //in seconds

line in ControlEventListener::sessionCreated

I thought about keeping this line if a check to null for the session timeout 
value (from web.xml) was positive.
But by default Tomcat sets it to 30 min (so it's never null) and it's possible but hard to change in OFBiz (eg to a known specific extraordinary value that could be checked instead of null as above)
So it could be confusing and anyway best practice is to prefer convention over 
configuration, even if in this case it's much redundant.

I think we can reopen OFBIZ-6655 and handle it there, with an explanation.

Other ideas?


Le 09/01/2019 à 10:11, Girish Vasmatkar a écrit :
Hi Deepak

By the time sessionCreated is called in an HttpSessionListener, the session
has already been created. I am sure if you try to get the HttpSession from
the HttpSessionEvent object, it will have what you defined in
<session-timeout> tag.

But the code is overriding the timeout using setMaxInactiveInterval to 1
hour that is why it is looking like web.xml is not being given
precedence over programmatic session configuration.

Whether web.xml takes precedence over annotation does not apply in this
case because anyway the session timeout value is being overridden by the
code. The tomcat container definitely reads session-timeout from web.xml
and assigns timeout for the session accordingly. But since a listener is
configured for session lifecycle management, it invokes the method and
there the session value is being overridden.

Try to set 2 minutes session timeout in web.xml and remove
I would say you will be logged out after 2 minutes. If that is not the
case, pl let me know.

I hope I understood your question and problem correctly.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 1:53 PM Deepak Nigam <deepak.nigam1...@gmail.com>

Thanks, Jacques.

Apart from the hardcoded thing, I am not able to override the session
timeout value using <session-timeout> tag in web.xml.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 1:55 PM Jacques Le Roux <

Hi Deepak,

You are right, it's hardcoded and should not. I have no time to go
at the moment, but I'll ASAP



Le 08/01/2019 à 06:10, Deepak Nigam a écrit :
Hello all,

I tried to set the session timeout for the 'ecommerce' and the
'webtools' components using <session-config> of web.xml, but unable to
so. Session for the logged-in user remains active even after the set
On further research, I found that we did some changes in this area in
ticket OFBIZ-6655 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6655>.
have hard coded the session timeout (1 hr) in the sessionCreated()
of ControlEventListner class. As per the comments in the Jira ticket,
session timeout declarations in web.xml have been removed by the use
of @WebListner annotation. This is to avoid duplicates things
web.xml files. Since the web.xml files have precedence on annotations,
setting can be easily overridden when necessary.

But the @WebListner is missing in the ControlEventListner class. Also,
unable to override the session timeout in web.xml even after putting
@WebListner annotation in ControlEventListner class.

Please let me know if this is a real issue or I am doing something
Thanks & Regards
Deepak Nigam
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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