Dear All,
While working with storeOrder service, I observe that few order header
level values not passed and stored in that service. Also no code support
exists for those order header fields. Below are the fields which is not
taken care by the service code, please let me know if we can add
conditional support for these field, that means if the value comes in
parameter then it will be stored otherwise not.
- priority
- isRushOrder

These values can be reset after creating order by using updateOrderHeader
service, but I think this should be fine to have these and other missing
values of header level as IN parameters and handled by the service.

Please let me know in case of any objections, I would like to commit the
proposed changes.

Best Regards,
Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

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