Hi Rishi,

Thanks for taking a look!

My only concern with using runAsUser would be that recurring services
typically use the "system" UserLogin and using this approach might require
multiple UserLogin/UserPreference records if there are different recurring
services using different timezones.

Also it should be fine to use RunTime data, as of now I could not see no
> issues with that. The only thing is not possible is if system requires to
> run a service always on specific time zone values and runtime could have
> different values.

Yeah I think I don't like the RuntimeData idea after thinking about it, an
opposite use case to my one might cause problems, e.g.:
I want a report to run at midnight UTC every night but I want the
timestamps converted to Pacific Time because that's where my users are so I
would like to use timeZone "America/Los_Angeles" or similar for the service

So I think unless other ideas come along, my preference would be for adding
a new field to JobSandbox.  I'll create a ticket within the next few days
and try to come up with a better field name.  Maybe "recurrenceTimeZone",
seems clear and somewhat concise.


On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 22:24, Rishi Solanki <rishisolan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> Can we think of using JobSandbox.runAsUser='myuser' and UserPreference.
> <UserPreference userLoginId="myuser"
> userPrefGroupTypeId="GLOBAL_PREFERENCES" userPrefTypeId="defaultTimeZoneId"
> userPrefValue="UTC"/>
> Also it should be fine to use RunTime data, as of now I could not see no
> issues with that. The only thing is not possible is if system requires to
> run a service always on specific time zone values and runtime could have
> different values. So having value in database makes sense to me, and okay
> with #1 of having it on JobSandbox level.
> I proposed UserPreference so that no field added with possible solution and
> we can achieve it. Could not think of any side effect as of now if we use
> it only for schedule, in case the same can be use for different purpose
> while log in, then it may have several side effects.
> Best Regards,
> --
> *Rishi Solanki* | Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
> HotWax Systems <http://www.hotwaxsystems.com/>
> Plot no. 80, Scheme no. 78 Part 2, Near Brilliant Convention Center,
> Indore,
> M.P 452010
> Linkedin: *Rishi Solanki*
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rishi-solanki-62271b7/>
> Direct: +91-9893287847
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 10:56 AM Scott Gray <scott.g...@hotwaxsystems.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Trying to decide on the best way to define a temporal expression for a
> > recurring job where the temporal expression should be evaluated using a
> > timezone other than whatever the default timezone is for the system.
> >
> > Use case is having a system that runs on UTC time, but needs to send a
> > report at 5pm Pacific Time everyday regardless of whether or not daylight
> > savings is in effect.
> >
> > I see two options:
> > 1. Add a field to JobSandbox such as tempExprTzId (or better name!)
> > 2. Use whatever timezone is available in the RunTime data service context
> >
> > #2 seems simplest but I'm not sure if there's scenarios where the service
> > should be run with one timezone while the recurrence should be scheduled
> > based on another?  I can't think of any.
> >
> > Regards
> > Scott
> >

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