Hello Swapnil and others,

Swapnil M Mane <swapnilmm...@apache.org> writes:

> All the essential details are incorporated in this document [1] to help us
> in migrating from SVN to Git.
> Please have a look and let us know your kind thoughts.
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/Xg-HBg

Regarding the Git migration I would like to know people's opinion
regarding a possible history clean-up which would allow contributors to
have a smaller repository size on their development machine and quicker
initial setup which is nice for newcomers.

To be more precise the framework repository is currently 806 MiB before
compilation which takes around 15 min to download from the Github mirror
on my machine from DSL connection at a 780 KiB/s rate.

My guess is that the repository heavy weight is mainly due to dependency
JARs that were previously committed in the Version Control System (VCS)
before the Gradle migration.  This guess is based on the known fact that
Git doesn't play well with non-text based files and that JARs are binary
Zip files.

As a consequence I would suggest that while actually migrating to Git as
our main VCS we cut the history after the Gradle migration [1] for the
new reference repository and keep previous history in an archive
repository (for historians).

I currently don't know the technical details on how we should precisely
do such thing and what would be the repository size after clean up, but
I am sure the process is well documented somewhere.  Additionally a
similar cleanup could be done for the plugin repository.

What do people think?

[1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/trunk@1752033

Mathieu Lirzin
GPG: F2A3 8D7E EB2B 6640 5761  070D 0ADE E100 9460 4D37

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