
Since sometimes now (few weeks?) I get an issue when debugging with Eclipse 
(version 2018-12). I have to wait a long time before passing these lines

2019-08-13 15:00:05,186 |main |ServiceContainer              |I| Created new 
dispatcher: scrum
2019-08-13 15:00:05,187 |main |ControlServlet                |I| Loading webapp 
[scrum], located at C:\projectsASF\ofbiz\plugins\scrum\webapp\scrum\
2019-08-13 15:00:05,221 |main |ConfigXMLReader               |I| controller loaded: 0.003s, 207 requests, 81 views in file:/C:/projectsASF/ofbiz/plugins/scrum/webapp/scrum/WEB-INF/controller.xml

I tried it's not related with scrum component. If I remove it, the same happens 
with order component.

The timeout is few minutes and quite annoying. Nobody has an idea?



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