Hello Swapnil.

+1 for the suggestions.

One video tutorial for each of these topics will help greatly.

I think some of the critical topics that we can add are mentioned below. I
think these are critical tools to learn as an OFBiz developer and then
gradually you pick up the other ones

- Webtools Usage
-- Logging
-- Import/Export
-- Cache Maintenance
-- Entity Engine
--- Entity Data Maintenance
--- Entity SQL Processor
-- Service Engine
--- Service Reference
--- Job List
--- Schedule Job
--- Run Service
- OFBiz Deployment Environment and Best Practices
-- Dev or Local
-- Staging / Dev Testing
-- UAT
-- Production

Best regards,
Pranay Pandey

On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 11:22 PM Swapnil M Mane <swapnilmm...@apache.org>

> Hello team,
> In the year 2017, we revamped the OFBiz tutorial [1] and simplified it for
> new adopters.
> In this process, by design, we removed some advance topics to make the
> tutorial simpler.
> Now, we are planning to write tutorials on following advance OFBiz topics,
> -- ECA (Event Condition Action)
> -- Group Service
> -- Service Interface
> -- Extending an existing OOTB Entity
> -- Ajaxify the Request
> If you want any topic to be consider, please let us know. We will plan to
> include that topic in our roadmap.
> Also, if you willing to help in this effort, you are most welcome.
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Tutorial+-+A+Beginners+Development+Guide
> Best regards,
> Swapnil M Mane,
> ofbiz.apache.org

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