Hi Victor, sorry for the late reply. Inline comments...

Victor Hernadez wrote
> I Jakob,
> Nice! I'm going to definitively play with it, just a few questions:
> *Which ofbiz version you used?
> => 17.12
> *Where the standard ControlFilter, ContextFilter and ControlServlet are
> configured? I expected to see them on web.xml
> => I removed those for this proof of concept... Would have to play around
> with it to reintegrate them, but it should be no problem.
> *Are the standard ofbiz url mappings (e.g. 
> <webapp>
> /control/*) preserved?
> => No, you'd have to reintegrate those. However, there are no OFBiz UIs
> (yet), so no need for control...
> Thanks,
> Victor
> => You're welcome ;)

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