Hi Jacques,

just stumbled upon this topic again, inline...

Am 20.09.19 um 17:39 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
In a 1st time I intend to do only what I wrote in OFBIZ-10226, OFBIZ-10205 and this thread, ie indeed mostly "move them to src/main/groovy". That's enough for my need.

Using @CompileStatic is out of my scope because I want to keep Groovy scripts dynamic.

I'd like to bring up this thead again and encourage everyone to read the mentioned article by David E. Jones: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/fd68dff364fde41dcb0d0d0384ebf169cbaa1e8e6c6ac60701d3d774%40%3Cdev.ofbiz.apache.org%3E

We should be careful and act responsible when deciding certain principles and patterns. While it is of course more simple for developers to have it dynamic it might be a nightmare in real world projects with huge traffic. We have our experiences with this.

We had this discussion in the aforementioned thread. One argument against is "premature optimization" which is a killer argument to end such discussions. Of course there will be perfomance metrics only if we would implement the two patterns and compare runtime in a relevant load scenario which is not achievable.

One can very well rely on the experiences of others and make use of patterns to avoid problems in the later run. It would be real bad for the project if we do mass changes and ignore these experiences just to end up with users having serious production problems.

So I ask everyone involved to act responsible and take these informations into account when changing the code base.



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