
I would quite like to see
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11330 (Using
FlexibleStringExpander in form widget field's parameter names) backported
to the release18.12 branch as, quite selfishly, it will make my life
easier! :)   I also like to think it would be useful to others too.

To try and understand how committers decide on patches to backport to
release branches I did a little searching on Confluence and found

This page mentions that only bugfixes would normally be backported to
active release branches, but since 18.12 is not released yet I assume it
doesn't count as 'active'.

The same page says 'New features and Improvements should never get into a
release branch' but 'Exceptions may occur' and would need to be voted on by

Is this page correct with regards to current practice and, if so, how do
the committers decide on which features to backport to release branches?

If I want to propose a feature for backporting should I create a PR/patch?

If new features only go in trunk, do you tend to build solutions around
trunk for your clients in order to take advantage of more up-to-date



Daniel Watford

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