Given that no objections have come forward, I assume lazy consensus and
will move forward with this.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Pierre Smits
*Proud* *contributor** of* Apache OFBiz <> since
2008 (without privileges)

*Apache Trafodion <>, Vice President*
*Apache Directory <>, PMC Member*
Apache Incubator <>, committer
Apache Steve <>, committer

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 9:50 AM Pierre Smits <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently we have Git (and GitHub) in full play for the master branch and
> the 2 active release branches. The transition to this methodology of
> distributed version control and collaboration has been adopted by our
> fellow contributors without any major impediments and/or destructions. At
> least none have been reported. It seems that everybody participating in
> this project and submitting code changes has an experience with Git and/or
> Github prior to the project’s move.
> In the past (during the svn era) the only option for fellow contributors
> to deliver code improvements for bug fixes and other enhancements was to
> deliver a file to a ticket in our Jira.
> Nowadays, the contributor can -besides still using that upload option- use
> the option to submit a Pull Request from his private clone or public fork
> to one of our official repositories on Github.
> In that past, and still to date, any code contribution uploaded to a Jira
> ticket needed to be downloaded by a committer and applied by him to a test
> branch (based on either the master or the active release branches) in order
> to vet the code changes and test the code changes whether these would break
> (or integrate with) the codebase. This vetting and testing was and is an
> arduous and  time consuming task, especially when the handed code changes
> span multiple components, languages and/or files. The committer must vet
> the changes with in his mind:
>    - does it have unnecessary whitespacing
>    - does it comply with checkstyle
>    - is the code change to the point
>    - is the code compliant to our coding and other best practices
>    - does the code change pass system integration tests
>    - etc., etc.
> Vetting and testing these manually and on the development machine, takes
> te committer away from enhancing our codebase himself. And when a vetted
> and tested code change doesn’t pass muster, the testing committer needs to
> update the ticket (but also when the change pases muster).
> Maybe, all of this is one of the reasons why contributors and/or committer
> lose interest and the project doesn’t get done much?
> However, this should not be. With code enhancements coming in via patch
> files in tickets and via Pull Request, we should adopt a method that will
> help our committers (and fellow contributors too) by offering an automated
> vetting and testing process that will deliver a report about the code and
> its compliance to technical requirements.
> This automated vetting and testing process can be done on arrival of a
> Pull Request in the project’s public repository on Github, as well on newly
> added patch files to a ticket. And such a report would , after the process
> has completed, be incorporated in the Pull Request or the ticket. This way
> the submitter, the potential committer and anyone else participating in
> this project and interested in the issue at hand and the solution would be
> informed in a consistent way. With such an automated process, where a
> contributor can rework the code of an initially submitted set of change(s)
> and submit again, and the vetting and testing can be done over and over
> without any burden on a committer.Currently such automated vetting and
> testing can include:
>    - ASF license checks
>    - checkstyle
>    - whitespace checks
>    - bug hangs (via findbugs or spotbugs)
>    - javadoc compliance
>    - java compilation testing
>    - script validation
>    - groovy compilation testing
>    - system integration tests
>    - etc.
> I have some questions for you:
>    - What are your thoughts on this?
>    - Should we adopt this for our project?
>    - Before adopting this for our project, should we define a PoC and
>    execute it if acceptable?
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> *Proud* *contributor* (but without privileges)* of* Apache OFBiz
> <>, since 2008
> *Apache Trafodion <>, Vice President*
> *Apache Directory <>, PMC Member*
> Apache Incubator <>, committer
> Apache Steve <>, committer

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