
Thanks Swapnil,


Am 06.03.20 um 10:34 schrieb Swapnil M Mane:
Hello team,
Current we have three demo instances [1] for OFBiz.

-- Current Stable Release 16.11 - Demo

-- Developer Trunk - Demo

-- Previous Stable Release 13.07 - Demo

As we have our new OFBiz release 17.12, should we think of taking the
following actions:

1. The 'Current Stable Release' instance should have release 17.12
i.e. demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org should deploy on release 17.12

2. The 'Previous Stable Release' instance should have release 16.11
i.e. demo-old.ofbiz.apache.org should deploy on 16.11

After this migration, we will *no longer have 13.07 - Demo* instance.

Here are some more details about the 13.07 demo instance.
The 13.07 instance gets down abruptly very frequently.
After this, it requires manual interaction to restart, in recent times
Jacques and I manually restarted it many times.
Looking at the current scenarios, it seems our users are also not
using 13.07 demo instance on a frequent basis, because no one from our
users reports us when it is down ;-)

[1] https://ofbiz.apache.org/ofbiz-demos.html

Best regards,
Swapnil M Mane,

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