Hi All,

Over the past month(s) I have worked to improve the BI Component to move it
from a state of Proof of Concept to a state of being actually useful for
our adopters. The changes implemented make it so that it is new good enough
to be incorporated into the code base.

I can imagine that the volume of subtasks created/addressed under
JIRA and committed in  PR #11
Github makes it a bit hard to assess where we stand now regarding the

Therefore I will be holding a live Q&A session (in Google Hangout/Meet) to
give an explanation and answer any question that may pop up, along
following subjects (amongst others, subject to change):

   1. Purpose of the Component
   2. Current State, see https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/bi
   3. Introduced Changes via ticket OFBIZ-11414
   JIRA and PR #11

This Q&A session will be held on:

   - Date: April 30th, 14:00 UTC
   - Join Hangout/Meet: https://meet.google.com/bje-kznw-zyu
   - Join By Phone: ‪+31 20 257 4820‬ PIN: ‪919 688 249‬#

I am looking forward to meeting you there

Met vriendelijke groet,

Pierre Smits
*Proud* *contributor** of* Apache OFBiz <https://ofbiz.apache.org/> since
2008 (without privileges)

*Apache Trafodion <https://trafodion.apache.org>, Vice President*
*Apache Directory <https://directory.apache.org>, PMC Member*
Apache Incubator <https://incubator.apache.org>, committer
Apache Steve <https://steve.apache.org>, committer

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