Hi all,

I have created a JIRA issue for this, i.e. OFBIZ-11686.
Decided not to have a placement attribute because script will always be placed 
after body tag.


On 2020/05/07 11:48:32, James Yong <jamesy...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Propose a new <script-template> widget tag that adds an external script 
> inside html head tag, or after body tag. The external script will contain the 
> rendered result of the specified template file location.
> e.g.
> <platform-specific>
>       <html>
>               <script-template 
> location="component://order/template/quote/test.ftl” placement=“head”/>
> will render as:
> <html>
>       <head>
>       …
>               <script src=“/ordermgr/control/js/<some random file name>.js” 
> type="application/javascript"/>
>       </head>
> This will allow inline script from a freemarker file, to be rendered as 
> external script in html.
> Regards,
> James

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