Hello all,

Admittedly I have been away for a very long time and things have changed.
I seem to be having difficulties to contribute to the Community Days, but maybe 
simply rookie issues, so any helping hand is appreciated.

I have this status:
* OFBiz code bases (framework and plugins) cloned from git
* local framework testing completed
* JIRA Access working - I can see and follow the current sprint
* Confluence Access working - surprising after almost 9 years of silence; 
that’s what I call continuity :)

I am stuck here:
1) While I can see Jira tickets, when I want to investigate commits, I need to 
log on to Fishbowl, but that appears to be a new account. Who can grant me 

2) I do see the three main branches on git, but I fail to see any (feature or 
bug) branches with ongoing development. Are you working with local branching 
and limiting the main branch interactions to pull requests? Am I just missing 

Thanks for helping me to get up to speed.
Warm regards


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