Hi Michael,

I'd encourage tool use to help us produce software wherever possible,
particularly those which are common in the java ecosystem and have a low
barrier to entry. In my opinion Lombok is common enough that there are many
tutorials available to help developers get up to speed, and it only has an
effect on code which is explicitly annotated to use its features so won't
have an impact on existing software.

Please take a look at the 4 minute video on the Lombok home page [1] where
they give a very nice demonstration of how lombok helps reduce boilerplate
They also link to an article [2] from 2010 about using lombok to reduce
boilerplate. There are sections on Limitations and Controversy in the

I raised the memory issue in case it would be a problem for the build
infrastructure, but it doesn't have any impact on runtime performance.

Lombok helps us reduce boilerplate code. Rather than maintaining such code
by hand we use a tool to do it for us instead, allowing us to reason
about code in terms of patterns rather than low-level implementation.
For example, if I see that a class is annotated with @Value then I know
instances of that class are immutable without needing to double check all
the fields are final and initialised in the constructor.

If I see a class annotated with @Builder then I know the builder pattern
has been applied and the author has taken steps to ensure all
elements/configuration needed to construct a valid instance of the class
are set. The author can do this by overriding the build method of the
Builder class if the default lombok code doesn't satisfy their requirements.

Applying the (experimental) @UtilityClass annotation to a class will ensure
the default constructor is private rather than having to write the
constructor explicitly.

I think the above advantages outweigh the disadvantages of introducing an
additional ofbiz build step (as would be done by the gradle plugin).

I did experiment within IntelliJ by removing the IDE plugin. I could still
work on code that made use of lombok annotated classes, but the experience
was significantly diminished. IntelliJ still uses gradle for compilation,
so I didn't have any problems there, but all the IDE support for code
assistance was lost for those classes. I would recommend developers install
tools relevant to their IDE if working with lombok annotated classes, but
it is not a requirement.

There will be a learning curve for developers using lombok, but if we start
small we will have patterns we can refer new developers to. Also if it was
deemed inappropriate for a particular class to make use of lombok
annotations then we could implement the relevant code ourselves.

[1] - https://projectlombok.org/
[2] -

On Tue, 28 Jul 2020 at 14:10, Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de>

> Hi Daniel,
> can you explain what the advantages and disadvantages are?
> Is it worth the introduction of an additional framework, more complex
> IDE configuration, an additional Gradle plugin and more memory
> consumption and why?
> Thanks for clarification,
> Michael Brohl
> ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de
> Am 28.07.20 um 14:44 schrieb Daniel Watford:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Back in April the possibility of using Lombok for the generation of some
> > boilerplate code was mentioned on the mailing list [1].
> >
> > As part of work-in-progress on OFBIZ-11900 (refactoring
> MacroFormRenderer)
> > I have used Lombok on a few small classes. The work-in-progress branch
> can
> > be found at [2].
> >
> > Only a small amount of Lombok has been used so far, meaning it shouldn't
> be
> > too difficult to remove it if needed.
> >
> > In build.gradle I have used the FreeFair Gradle Lombok plugin [3]
> > referenced by the Lombok Project [4].
> >
> > Building with the lombok plugin seemed to use a lot of memory and caused
> > gradle to garbage collect and run out of heap regularly. To resolve this
> I
> > increased the about of memory available to gradle in gradle.properties
> > using:
> >
> > org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2g -XX\:MaxHeapSize\=4g
> >
> > Tuning this might be important depending on the CI infrastructure used by
> > the Ofbiz project.
> >
> > You will likely need your IDE to apply annotation processing otherwise
> you
> > might see warning of missing methods. In IntelliJ I use what appears to
> be
> > the de facto Lombok plugin [5].
> > Guidance is available from the Lombok project for other IDEs [6].
> >
> > Lombok @ToString annotations have been applied to RenderableFtlString and
> > RenderableFtlNoop. This causes Lombok to insert toString() methods into
> the
> > classes based on the class names and field values.
> >
> > The @Value annotation has been applied to
> > MacroCallParameterStringValue, MacroCallParameterBooleanValue
> > and MacroCallParameterMapValue. This annotation turns those classes into
> > immutable-like entities, where all fields must be set in the inserted
> > constructor and are available from automatically inserted getters.
> > ToString(), equals and hashCode() methods are also created meaning these
> > classes can be relied upon as map keys if needed.
> >
> > The @Builder annotation has been applied to RenderableFtlMacroCall
> > and RenderableFtlSequence. This annotation does quite a lot so I'd
> > recommend you run delombok (instructions below) to see the code that
> Lombok
> > inserts for us.
> >
> > To see the sources generated by Lombok we can run DeLombok. At the
> command
> > line execute:
> > ./gradlew delombok
> >
> > A copy of all sources (not just those with lombok annotations) will be
> > placed under build/delombok. Please take a look at the delomboked sources
> > for the above classes under
> > build/delombok/main/org/apache/ofbiz/widget/renderer/macro/parameter and
> > build/delombok/main/org/apache/ofbiz/widget/renderer/macro/renderable.
> >
> > Please let me know what you think about this usage of Lombok.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dan.
> >
> > [1] -
> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/Default-constructors-in-JAVA-classes-tp4749257p4749258.html
> >
> > [2] - https://github.com/danwatford/ofbiz-framework/tree/OFBIZ-11900-WIP
> > [3] - https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/io.freefair.lombok
> > [4] - https://projectlombok.org/setup/gradle
> > [5] - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6317-lombok/
> > [6] - https://projectlombok.org/setup/overview
> >

Daniel Watford

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