Hi Neetan,

Your message has been moderated, else it would not have reached this Mailing 

Please subscribe to the user ML for such questions and then use your email 
See why here http://ofbiz.apache.org/mailing-lists.html.

You will get a better support, people can answer you on the ML.
The wider the audience the better the answers you might get.

Also it's more work for moderators who have to accept your messages as long as 
you have not subscribed.
I'll personally no longer accept them (other moderators still could).


This said Nicolas answered you on the user ML, please check 


Le 30/07/2020 à 22:05, Neetan Chopra a écrit :
Hi there

This is Neetan. I am a Group CTO working in Dubai.
Having worked in the Airline industry for 23 years (with Emirates) I have
been thinking about open sourcing one of the core aviation applications.
However there does not seem to be any example of a vertical OSS
application which has made an impact.

I just wanted to reach out to you to seek your advice on how the journey
with ofbiz has been and the lessons learnt for other open source enterprise
software endeavours.
Thank you and would be most grateful for any advice you can offer.

warm regards
Neetan Chopra

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