And GH did better


Le 10/12/2013 à 11:47, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Someone did it


On Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:16 AM Jacques Le Roux 
<> wrote:
While working on I had also an 
idea about how to deal with OFBiz requirements
from a community POV.

In Open source world there is the well known notion of bounty for feature.
 From time to time (rarely) someone offers to pay for a feature he/she needs.
But this is not used in an official way in OFBiz yet (there are no arranged 
place for that maybe because there are too few needs).

Actually the idea I had is a reversed bounty concept. It will not be a person 
or organisation that will make a pledge for a
feature but a person or organisation that will submit a quote for a new feature 
to be commited in OFBiz.

This came to my mind while working on a quote for a VAT stuff.
Let me explain : a lot of people need VAT/GST (I guess most countries but USA). 
I have open a Jira issue to centralise efforts
David Garett (OFBIZ-416) and Marco Risaliti (OFBIZ-1262) contributed big 
patches in the past and I wanted to review them but did
not find the time to do so seriously and was not sure it was the right way to 
go at this time.
Also one thing that discouraged me was that both David and Marco was seeing 
their patches as not ready to be commited. They are
now partially unmergeable but I'm sure with still some interesting ideas/code 
in them.
There is also an interesting recent thread and an even more recent wiki page (actually these informations are 
referenced at OFBIZ-366 bottom).

The reversed bounty concept is applicable for "feature" like VAT which actually 
may cover a lot of things (which are not obvious
at 1st sight).

How I see it : one person, a team or an organisation propose to develop a new 
feature that has proven in the past to interest a
lot of people but has not been developed in OFBiz because being an huge work or 
not well enough defined
Actually by "propose" I mean detailled requirements to be freely discussed in 
dev ML. Could be also direct estimates like in

For instance, for VAT we know there have been some "proprietary" 
I guess mostly because it seems difficult to coordinate efforts on things  that 
at 1st sight appears to be countries or
organisations specific.

But, from the links above, we know also that there are some commons features:
* periodic Tax Authority VAT report (input minus input) : by Tax Authority
* affect GL accounts (by Tax Authority) default being  VAT Purchases/Sales 
respectively linked to Assets and Liabilities GL
* show prices VAT inclusive everywhere it's needed (some issues : OFBIZ-1086)
* how to apply VAT on discount (some categories, not so much)
* etc. (more details in VAT wiki page)

Sorry for the long and disorganised post. I'm trying to find a new way to earn 
a living (crisis effect ?). Reverse bounties could
be shared of course...

PS : I was not the 1st to have this idea. Curious I just found that a Drupal 
developer has already suggested a such thing

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