+1 Thanks Arpit for bringing this up.

I have some prior experience working on a similar assignment. Please count
me in for the development and planning efforts.

Thanks and regards,
Aditya Sharma

On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 8:52 PM Arpit Mor <arpit....@hotwaxsystems.com>

> Hi Devs,
> Hope everyone is safe and healthy amidst Covid-19 pandemic
> Most of you might have heard about “Headless Commerce” or API first
> commerce, but in case you haven’t, here is a brief summary of what headless
> commerce is and why it is the need of the hour.
> What is Headless Commerce?
> In its simplest form, headless commerce is the decoupling of the
> presentation layer (frontend) of an eCommerce from backend such that both
> are able to function independently. This decoupling is achieved by using
> APIs to expose core backend functionalities.
> Why Headless Commerce?
> Today, customers are consuming context from various channels and
> touch-points. Gone are the days when customers primarily needed to visit a
> website to buy online. With the rise of smartphones and the Internet of
> Things (IoT), customers can now shop from multiple channels like IoT
> devices, progressive web apps (PWAs), social media platforms, mobile apps,
> smart assistants, smart TV, kiosks, and many more.
> By decoupling frontend from backend - user interface, social commerce,
> mobile apps, IoT, and many more – can be changed or updated individually,
> without interfering with backend. Data is available to separate frontend
> applications via API calls and the backend runs invisibly in the
> background.
> Benefits of Headless Commerce
> Unlimited Channels and Touchpoints: With API first Headless Commerce,
> integration with the new channels and touchpoints becomes easy, economical,
> and quick.
> Innovation and Engaging User Experience: With traditional monolithic
> Commerce, making user-centric changes to your website requires both a front
> and backend transformation. But with headless commerce, all the
> frontend/app developers have to focus on is user experience,
> personalization, and consistency without having to worry about changes to
> the backend.
> Easy-to-Manage Integrations: Headless commerce not only includes providing
> API support to the frontend, but it also includes communication between
> various components (like ERP, WMS, OMS, CRM, POS, etc.) via APIs. This will
> reduce the complexity of the integration and its maintenance.
> Business Agility & less time to market: Companies must be able to respond
> quickly to new market opportunities by constantly releasing new features.
> In traditional commerce, each component is tightly coupled with another
> which makes changes a complex task. But with Headless commerce different
> components communicate via APIs, which make changes to one component easy
> without having to worry about changes to other components.
> I’d like to put forward a suggestion for developing a headless commerce
> plugin, to keep the competitive edge of OFBiz with the rapidly changing
> technological trends by exposing core backend functionalities via APIs (The
> REST capabilities are already added to OFBiz recently).
> Looking forward to suggestions and feedback.
> Thanks & Regards
> Arpit Mor

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