Hello Emad,

I have tried those changes and can confirm that those are working as
expected. Thanks!

Kind Regards,
Pritam Kute

On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 9:01 PM Daniel Watford <d...@foomoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> I use IntelliJ for ofbiz development, but have found it awkward to work
> with groovyScript files.
> Each time I would view a groovyScript file IntelliJ would display a warning
> that the file was not associated with a Groovy SDK and prompt me to select
> one. Further, I couldn't navigate from a groovyScript file to other ofbiz
> classes.
> IntelliJ imports the project script from the build.gradle file, so any
> changes I might have manually made to ease IDE development of groovyScript
> files were lost as soon as I reimported build.gradle.
> To address this I needed to add the groovyScript files to the gradle build
> in some way, while at the same time preventing the files from being built
> and turned into classes.
> Some minor changes to the build.gradle file have been added to a branch
> here -
> https://github.com/danwatford/ofbiz-framework/tree/groovyScript-gradle
> I have tested these build.gradle changes in IntelliJ and can now navigate
> from groovyScript to ofbiz classes.
> Please could other IDE users (eclipse, netbeans, etc0 try out the changes
> in the branch to see if the developer experience is improved when importing
> the ofbiz project structure from the gradle build file.
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> --
> Daniel Watford

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