
I would like to explore (and in the future propose for addition ?!) a Clojure service engine implementation.

I would like to ask for feedback on this topic. Guidance as to how approach this process is very much appreciated.

I use Clojure as my daily language and it has IMO a lot of feature that make it a great language. I would very much like to have the ability to write OFBiz services (and other components) using Clojure.

Arguments for Clojure:

- a single library with VERY good backward compatibility - Clojure (lisps in general) hasn't change much
- it is dynamic like Groovy
- has immutable data structures by default - a big win for developing safe code
- seamless inter-op with Java and JVM languages
- a very nice development experience using the REPL
- simple syntax - once you get the hang of lisp style

Clojure uses Maps, Sets and sequences (Collections) to process data so it is an excellent fit since services use map arguments.

I will explore this and see the integration points that we have.
For starters, I would like to be able to use a Clojure function as a service.

Eugen Stan
+40720 898 747 / netdava.com

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