Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your check. I agree with the different function to create a
link would be analyzed and maybe refactored with another logic.

To move ahead, I will push my current code for the OFBIZ-11810 [1]

as it and convert to the your refactoring effort after.

I like to ensure to not introduce some regression, I sweat a lot for
this first version, I prefer to make small step by small step :)


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11810

On 10/02/2021 12:32, Daniel Watford wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> OFBIZ-11900 [1] has been merged now, so there shouldn't be any sort of
> clash with OFBIZ-11810.
> OFBIZ-11900 is part of the OFBIZ-11456 [2] refactoring effort, but none of
> the other child tasks from OFBIZ-11456 are currently being worked on.
> Therefore I think you should be able to proceed with your changes without
> concern of impacting any changes that might be in flight.
> I had a quick read of the patch in OFBIZ-11810 and cannot see anything that
> needs to change with regard to the MacroScreenRenderer  refactoring effort.
> I did double check MacroCommonRenderer#createAjaxParamsFromUpdateAreas
> again RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder#createAjaxParamsFromUpdateAreas, but
> I believe MCR#cAPFUA is an unaltered extraction of
> MacroScreenRenderer#createAjaxParamsFromUpdateAreas so shouldn't be any
> problem there.
> I don't fully understand how update areas work yet, so I would be grateful
> if you could have a look at the public methods in
> RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder to see if any of the RenderableFtl
> produced there for form elements need to be altered to support your area
> update changes. In particular methods makeHyperlinkString,
> makeHyperlinkByType and hyperlinkMacroCall should probably be checked.
> Thank you for asking about this. It will renew my efforts to understand
> update areas and continue with the refactor once your changes have been
> applied to trunk.
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11900
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11456
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2021 at 16:01, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr> wrote:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> I'm a little confuse to take more than 6 month to response.
>> You push me on my currently java knowledge limit, and after analyze I
>> didn't understand all you done.
>> However, your works feel good.
>> During my works on the OFBIZ-11810 [1], I confronted to many duplicated
>> code between Screen, Form and Menu render. This case help me to
>> understand an advantage of your refacto.
>> I'm clearly in favor to continue the refactoring, and I have a question.
>> Because we works on the same code what do you prefer ?
>>  * I commit my work with the current code and we migrate it after
>>  * We migrate before the code and I update my work on it
>>  * I try to convert my current improvement with your refactoring proposal.
>> Nicolas
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11810
>> On 28/07/2020 19:49, Daniel Watford wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> OFBIZ-11900 covers the work-in-progress effort to refactor
>>> MacroFormRenderer by extracting code which builds strings to be executed
>> as
>>> FTL macros into a separate builder class.
>>> This github branch [1] contains the work-in-progress changes for this
>>> issue. Please take a look at this branch and highlight any concerns with
>>> the approach. This will give me a chance to address concerns or change
>>> approach before too much further work is done.
>>> Further to simply extracting code from MacroFormRenderer to a separate
>>> builder I wanted to avoid the use of strings to represent FTL macro
>> calls.
>>> Instead I added an interface called RenderableFtl to represent an element
>>> that can be rendered as part of a FreeMarker template.
>>> So far the main RenderableFtls in use are RenderableFtlMacroCall and
>>> RenderableFtlString.
>>> RenderableFtlString can be used to represent a pre-rendered HTML string
>> as
>>> used to construct hidden forms by WidgetWorker.
>>> RenderableFtlMacroCall is probably the most important of the
>> RenderableFtl
>>> classes as it can be used in place of the strings previously built in
>>> MacroFormRenderer to capture an FTL macro call, but without the need for
>>> the caller to append quoting and whitespace delimiters for each
>> additional
>>> macro call parameter.
>>> All the RenderableFtl classes know how to render themselves to a String
>>> which will be used by FtlWriter to process the string as an FTL element
>> and
>>> then write the result to an Appendable.
>>> The reason for these changes are to separate the various concerns
>> involved
>>> in rendering a form:
>>> - RenderableFtl objects are responsible for rendering their data to an
>> FTL
>>> compliant string.
>>> - FtlWriter is responsible for processing FTL compliant strings as part
>> of
>>> an FTL template and writing the results to an Appendable.
>>> - RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder is responsible for creating
>>> RenderableFtl objects for various FieldInfo objects, replacing the FTL
>>> macro call strings which were previously built in MacroFormRenderer.
>>> - MacroFormRenderer is responsible for orchestrating calls to
>>> RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder to create multiple RenderableFtl objects
>>> as needed for rendering a field and passing them to FtlWriter. For
>> example,
>>> rendering a DisplayEntityField produces RenderableFtl objects
>> representing
>>> the displayed field, an associated hyperlink and a tooltip.
>>> Separating these concerns makes testing easier:
>>> - MacroFormRendererTest can test orchestration of MacroFormRender's calls
>>> to RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder, rather than having to analyse the
>>> strings previously written.
>>> - Testing of RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder focuses on the production
>> of
>>> correctly configured RenderableFtl elements based on the given FieldInfo
>>> objects, rather than testing the eventual string rendered.
>>> - The RenderableFtl objects can be tested by examining the FTL strings
>>> produced.
>>> To support testing of RenderableFtlFormElementsBuilder a number of
>> Hamcrest
>>> Matchers have been created to check that RenderableFtlMacroCall objects
>>> have expected name and parameter values.
>>> Please excuse the long message :) and please let me know if you have any
>>> comments or concerns about the approach I have taken.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan.
>>> [1] - https://github.com/danwatford/ofbiz-framework/tree/OFBIZ-11900-WIP

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