Hello Team,

We are facing an issue with EECA rule - The action service (entity-auto)
has changeByUserLoginId field which is always set as 'system' userLogin.

<eca entity="OrderItem" operation="create-store" event="return">
    <condition field-name="estimatedShipDate" operator="is-not-empty"/>
    <set field-name="changeDateTime" value="${groovy:
    <action service="createEstDateHistory" mode="sync"/>

When explored it, we found that in EECA, userLogin passed to action service
is always 'system'. Current userLogin is not passed in context and when
userLogin is empty, the run-as-user field is set to system userLogin by
default, as mentioned in entity-eca.xsd.

What could be the use case for this implementation? Shouldn't userLogin
should pass to action service from context, if not found then default to
system userLogin.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thanks and Regards,
Shikha Jaiswal
Senior Enterprise Software Engineer

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