Hello Giulio,

Thanks for pointing that out. A Jira perfectly fits here.

Best Regards,
Suraj Khurana
Senior Technical Consultant

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 5:32 AM Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <
giulio.sp...@mpstyle.it> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I hope you are all doing well.
> I write because today I faced an unexpected behaviour in one of our
> ecommerce applications, during creation of an order and related inventory
> reservation.
> The ProductStore is set up to reserve inventory from more than one
> facility, so the flag oneInventoryFacility is set to N.
> The we have 8 different facilities configured (each with a specific
> sequence num from 1 to 8) in the entity ProductStoreFacility.
> Due to customer requests I had to disable 6 out of 8 facilities associated
> with the store, so basically only facilities with (sequence) numbers 1 and
> 2 are left. To achieve this I set the thruDate on the other six records.
> After that, an order came in with a variant product that had only 1
> quantity left available in one of the disabled facilities and 0 in both the
> two facilities left enabled, but despite this the system reserved inventory
> from the disabled facility: I wouldn't expect that.
> The service responsible for the reservation is *reserveStoreInventory *that
> in our ofbiz version (13.07.03) is minilang and is implemented in
> ProductStoreServices.xml: I checked that service and I noticed that when
> the ProductStore is set to multi facility (oneInventoryFacility to N) and
> the list of productStoreFacility records are retrieved, they are not
> filtered by date, and this lead to a "bad" reservation.
> I took a look also at the current revision of ofbiz and the code (groovy
> script) is basically the same, so the issue is present there also.
> Is this a real issue/bug or this behaviour was intended to act this way?
> If this is an issue I can open a Jira Ticket, add more details and start
> working on a patch for both versions.
> What do you think about it?
> Thank you in advance for your attention.
> Best regards,
> Giulio
> --
> Giulio Speri
> *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> via Antonio Meucci, 37
> 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> T 059/684916
> M 334/3779851
> www.mpstyle.it

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