
I'm continuing my work on splitting OFBiz into smaller, more manageable parts but I've hit a blocking point: I don't know how /can't package an ofbiz component as a jar/archive and load it from it.

My work is in https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/pull/381

I followed my idea of moving creating a gradle project for individual parts (right now framework, applications, themes and plugins). I made some progress and framework and applications projects compile and all but 5 tests pass.

The issue is that when application starts, it tries to load components from filesystem and it fails.

Looking at WAR files and how they are handled in application servers it seems to be a way of having a component as a directory and as a packaged archive.

I ask myself if it's worth it going that route?
Should OFBiz community invest time and effort into component loading logic and dependency management (See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11296)?

Those are hard problems on their own and they are already solved at build level by tools like maven and gradle and at runtime via things like ServiceLoader and dependency injection / IoC.

All in all I don't see how to evolve OFBiz without breaking the current way of doing things - developer workflow, plugin development and distribution building.

And when it comes to breaking changes - and pushing those to people with production instances - from my experience it's hard to reach an agreement.

Quite hard to find motivation with this road ahead.

Eugen Stan

+40770 941 271  / https://www.netdava.com
fn:Eugen Stan

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