
I forgot the obvious: we should make an announcement not only on user ML but 
also on announce@a.o

Struts is a good example: https://s.apache.org/qr8ci

They even have announceme...@struts.apache.org, not sure we need that.

I'll inspire from them to create our 1st announcement for EOL of the 18.12 branch with 17.12.08. Next time we will, like Struts, announce 6 months ago before the definitive announcement.

I have created


Le 04/01/2022 à 16:04, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi All,

I'd like to discuss about OFBiz releases EOL (End Of Life) announcement.

For instance R17.12 is EOL with 17.12.08. I suggest to make it clear on site (if that's not already enough, eg*), to send an email to user ML and maybe talk about it in social-media and the blog.

Maybe we could also have a special site page for EOL dates and version of our 
releases? And some words in https://ofbiz.apache.org/security.html...

* https://ofbiz.apache.org/release-notes-17.12.08.html (maybe the de facto 
standard term EOL (End Of Life) is missing?)



Le 04/01/2022 à 11:52, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
I agree Jacopo,

Will you handle it?

I made those tiny changes after an answer Mark J. Cox made to Mark Thomas in a 
discussion I read on security-disc...@community.apache.org :

   MT:  <<We need to consider whether projects that are not releasing
   regularly really are healthy. Could they realistically respond to a
   security vulnerability in a reasonable time frame? If not, we need to
   move them to the attic.>>

   MC: <<And we need a clear way to communicate that, and EOL releases, to 
users so
   they know the status of what they're using.  There are quite a number of
   examples where a project has responded to a vulnerability reporter that
   some version is EOL but it's not been clear enough on their pages, nor any
   real announcement ever having being made.  We need a consistent policy on
   what to do about vulnerabilities that come up in EOL versions, and when to
   allocate them CVE names ('there's an unfixed issue in X") in order to help
   users with scanning tools also notice when they're using out of date and
   now insecure projects.>>

There are at least 340+ TLPs*. So I guess it becomes worrying for the ASF.

I don't think we are concerned by those worries. So was just a small effort in 
this direction.
I think though that we should discuss about how to handle EOL announcements.



Le 04/01/2022 à 10:45, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
Thank you Jacques for adding the statement: however I think it is  > time to remove the entire section of 17.12.08 since we have enough > releases out of 18.12 already. The release 17.12.08 will always be >
available in the archive. > > Jacopo

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