Hi Florian,

The reason for using importLibrary is for maintainability and was done under 
Beside those you have listed, there is also JS libraries like jstree, readmore, 
fjTimer, cookies, moments.
Before the change, it was often unclear where and when the JS/CSS were used and 
how they are related to each other. IMHO, moving the JS/CSS libraries close to 
where they are used and only loads them when needed, makes it easier to test 
the functionalities.

Even though unused JS/CSS included in the pages will be cached in subsequent 
page load, there is still cost to the browser as it need to process those 
unused JS/CSS.


On 2022/05/25 13:19:45 Florian Motteau wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently working on replacing jGrowl (notification library) for a 
> client project.
> I came across the importLibrary function in OfbizUtil.js (common-theme), 
> which loads external JS/CSS files when needed. If I understand 
> correctly, some of the JS libraries (inputmask, elrte, datetimepicker, 
> jquerytimer, jeditable, jgrowl) are loaded dynamically only when needed 
> (if the page contains a UI element handled by an external library).
> Is the main reason behind this mechanism is to avoid loading uneeded 
> files ? If so, I am not sure that the cons of this approch are worth the 
> pros, but of course I may miss something her :).
> The pros :
>   * avoid the initial loading of ~10 JS files that may be useless for
>     the current page. However the time saved on page load is certainly
>     negligeable,
>   * do I miss something here ?
> The cons (in my opinion) :
>   * we need to specify loaded JS full paths in various places in
>     OfbizUtil.js (vs raw list in Theme.xml), impacts
>     readability/maintainability (IMHO), we should not have to scan
>     OfbizUtils.js to upgrade a JS library,
>   * it appears that we need to handle a minimal cache system, instead of
>     relying on native browser cache (eg for each date input we trigger a
>     library load)
>   * when loading a form through ajax for example, the user may
>     experience the loading time while he is in the middle of an
>     interaction (vs initial page load)
> To cope with a large number of JS/CSS files required, another approach 
> could be to setup a bundler (similar to webpack for example), to produce 
> a unique optimized file. This is not trivial though. The first step may 
> be to switch to regular script inclusion (Theme.xml).
> What do you think ?

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