Hi Gil,

Here are my preferences inline...

Le 20/07/2022 à 23:49, Gil Portenseigne a écrit :
Thanks All for the feedback.

I continue in my spare time and did analyse some rule that I propose to disable.
Here are my thought :

* DuplicateStringLiteral :      Not Adapted to OFBiz : String Literal are 
massively entityName. No need to make them constants.


* LineLength : Can be configured : default 120, with 140 configured there are 
654 fix needed, 445 fixes to 150 length configuration (same as Java 
checkstyle). IMO I prefer default config, but we could go with the same as 
checkstyle config ?
* UnnecessaryGetter : Lot of java OFBiz code use getXXX. Applying this rule, 
will lead massive java changes. I prefer to ignore.
  * NoDef : We need to agree to not use def in variable declaration or method 
return type (implies lots of fix). I think that is better to have type defined.
* MethodReturnTypeRequired : same as above
* UnnecessaryReturnKeyword : Not sure that is is wanted, in our dev team it can 
be disturbing, *WDYT* ?
Better to have return, clearer
* UnnecessaryObjectReferences : with method usage to reduce code. Context.with 
{ toto = « toto »}, I was unaware of this, i'd like to keep it if possible.
* CompileStatic : I propose to ignore this rule, not needed IMO
  IfStatementBraces : Do we allow one lined if without braces ? I prefer not, 
but that seems convenient some times, This rule applies also on multiline, and 
for me we should keep it. Since it is not configurable for oneline, i am into 
keeping it.
* DuplicateNumberLiteral : Same as String Literal
* UnnecessarySetter : Same as UnnecessaryGetter






On 2022/07/04 15:24:43 Gil Portenseigne wrote:
Hello Devs,

I would like to continue Codenarc integration in OFBiz (OFBIZ-11167).

For those who are not aware, Codenarc is an analysis tools for Groovy
for defects, bad practices, inconsistencies, style issues and more.

For this purpose we need to agree about the ruleset to put in place.

I took as a basis the ruleset :

And started to fix some in https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/pull/517

Before doing the complete work, a first rule made me wonder if that is a
choice that we will be doing as a community :

IfStatementBraces - Use braces for if statements, even for a single statement.

There are 234 occurrences in the project, and I guess that some opinions
might diverge on this subject.

Moreover, some rules needs lots of fixes in the project (those with more
than 200 occurrences) :

| Number of  | Rule name and details                                            
| occurrence |                                                                  
| 9883       | UnnecessaryGString  - String objects should be created with 
single  |
|            |  quotes, and GString  objects created with double quotes. 
Creating  |
|            |  normal String objects with  double quotes is confusing to 
readers. |
| 4569       | DuplicateStringLiteral  - Code containing duplicate String 
literals |
|            |  can usually be improved by  declaring the String as a constant  
|            | field. The ignoreStrings property ()  can optionally specify a   
|            | comma-separated list of Strings to ignore.                       
| 4209       | SpaceAroundMapEntryColon  - Check for configured formatting of   
|            | whitespace around colons for  literal Map entries.               
|            | The characterBeforeColonRegex and  characterAfterColonRegex      
|            | properties specify a regular expression that  must match the     
|            | character before/after the colon.                                
| 1448       | LineLength  - Checks the maximum length for each line of         
|            | source code. It checks for  number of characters, so lines       
|            |  that include tabs may appear longer than  the allowed number    
|            |  when viewing the file. The maximum line length can  be          
|            | configured by setting the length property, which defaults to 
120.   |
| 885        | UnnecessaryGetter  - Checks for explicit calls to 
getter/accessor   |
|            |  methods which can, for  the most part, be replaced by property  
|            |  access. A getter is defined as a  method call that matches      
|            | get[A-Z] but not getClass() or get[A-Z][A-Z]  such as getURL().  
|            |  Getters do not take method arguments. The  ignoreMethodNames    
|            | property (null) can specify method names that should  be ignored 
|            | , optionally containing wildcard characters ('*' or '?').        
| 601        | NoDef - def should not be used. You should replace it with       
|            | concrete type.                                                   
| 485        | MethodReturnTypeRequired  - Checks that method return types      
|            |  are not dynamic, that is they are  explicitly stated and        
|            |  different than def.                                             
| 484        | Indentation - Check indentation for class and method             
|            | declarations, and initial statements.                            
| 482        | UnnecessaryReturnKeyword  - In Groovy, the return keyword        
|            |  is often optional. If a statement is  the last line in a        
|            | method or closure then you do not need to have the return 
keyword.  |
| 407        | UnnecessaryObjectReferences  - Violations are triggered when     
|            | an excessive set of consecutive  statements all reference        
|            | the same variable. This can be made more  readable by using      
|            |  a with or identity block.                                       
| 345        | CompileStatic - Check that classes are explicitely annotated     
|            | with either @GrailsCompileStatic, @CompileStatic or 
@CompileDynamic |
| 320        | ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod  - This rule detects when the         
|            | equals(Object) method is called directly  in code instead        
|            |  of using the == or != operator. A groovier way to               
|            |  express this: a.equals(b) is this: a == b and a groovier        
|            |  way to express :  !a.equals(b) is : a != b                      
| 235        | IfStatementBraces - Use braces for if statements,                
|            | even for a single statement.                                     
| 235        | SpaceAroundOperator - Check that there is at least one space     
|            | (blank) or whitespace around each binary operator.               
| 211        | NestedBlockDepth - Checks for blocks or closures nested more     
|            |  than maxNestedBlockDepth (5) levels deep.                       
| 201        | TrailingWhitespace - Checks that no lines of source code         
|            | end with whitespace characters.                                  

I think that if someone want to express an opposition about applying one
of the above rule, i would be great to express it and discuss it here.

My opinion is that it could be nice to adopt every rules, to respect
standard best practice. Even if it implies lot of code changes.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.



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