While working with mysql 8 database faced an issue with new ofbiz setup,
ofbiz fails to add new tables in database,

Database server : mysql 8
Database drive : mysql 8.0.30

Steps to regenerate:

   - Create new database named ofbiz, configure it with ofbiz and load data
   (everything working fine)
   - Create another database named ofbiz1, configure it with ofbiz and load
   This process will fails

After initial debugging found while check db DatabaseMetaData.getTables
returns a list of tables from the existing database, so it does not create
new tables hence fails to load data.
Created PR for the same [1], need to verify these changes with other
databases as well, as it may fail with others.

[1] https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/pull/543/files


Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

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