Hello Guys,

After working with my colleague Marie-Aline I discovered that the non asf accounts was disabled the last month, on a discussion that I didn't followed [1] (so far these last month ^^'),
when I proposed to open an issue.

By the way I followed the infra process [2] to open a new account for her. If anyone have the same problem to don't hesitate to send to priv...@ofbiz.apache.org with :

  * your  email address
  * preferred username (N.B. hyphens not allowed) different than your currently
  * alternate username (in case the preferred one is already in use)
  * display name, if it is different from the username

Or replay to this message if send to private is disrupting for you.

I'll watch any demand.

In your opinion, I forward this on user list ?



[1] https://infra.apache.org/blog/jira-public-signup-disabled.html
[2] https://infra.apache.org/jira-guidelines.html#account
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        Nicolas Malin
The apache way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Charity* Apache’s mission is providing software for the public good.
8 rue des Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54

Apache OFBiz <http://ofbiz.apache.org/>|The Apache Way <http://theapacheway.com/>|réseau LE <http://www.libre-entreprise.org/>

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