Hi Ernest,

I'm not aware of any examples in OFBiz that exactly fit your use case. You
may implement a solution using javascript to send your request to the
testCalc service and then apply the results to the current form.

An example of executing javascript from clicking a hyperlink can be seen in
the Example plugin:
https://demo-next.ofbiz.apache.org/example/control/FormWidgetExamples and
is defined by the following element in FormWidgetExampleForms.xml:

<field name="targetUrlButton"
    <hyperlink also-hidden="false" target-type="plain"
description="${uiLabelMap.TargetURL}" target="${targetUrl}"/>

Another approach, albeit not one I have experimented with, is the
on-event-update-area element. See example
In this example, screen ExampleAjaxScreens.xml#AjaxExample is rendered
containing screens ListExampleFormOnly and CreateExampleFormOnly.

Screen CreateExampleFormOnly includes form

Form EditExampleBackgroundSubmit has an on-event-update-area element
directing OFBiz to update the ListExamplesAjax area (i.e. the form on the
ListExampleFormOnly screen) when the EditExampleBackgroundSubmit form is

If you trace the network calls in your web browser's development tools, you
will see that submitting the EditExampleBackgroundSubmit form does not
reload the page. Instead a post request is made to endpoint
createExampleAjax to create the new Example record. A post is then made to
the ListFormExampleOnly endpoint, retrieving the new contents of the list
and displaying on the page.

There might be a solution for your use case where your Calculate C button
is on a small form adjacent to your Product Measures form. The form
containing the button would have on-event-update-area configured to update
the Product Measures form following a submit event.

Please let us know how you get on.


On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 at 04:19, Ernest Hocking <ernest.hock...@computer.org>

> Hi everyone
> I'd like to use groovy to implement some business logic and call that logic
> from a button in a form.
> E.g Add a button on the product measures form to calculate  the volume
> given a product's dimensions..  I've tried
>         <field name="calcTest" title=" " widget-style="buttontext">
>             <hyperlink description="Calculate C" target="testCalc"
> also-hidden="false">
>                 <parameter param-name="scale-factror"/>
>                <!-- e.g add an allowance for packing material -->
>             </hyperlink>
>         </field>
> I can call/test the service "testCalc" from webtools etc but not use the
> button.
> Can anyone point me to an example in the existing code base that I can use
> as a reference model.
> thanks in advance
> Ernest

Daniel Watford

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