Hi Michael,

I guess it should be OK now. We got 32GB!

The demos are back and should be faster


Le 11/02/2023 à 10:42, Michael Brohl a écrit :
Hi Dan, all,

maybe we can find a way to experiment on this outside the productive VM's for 
our demos?

Best regards,


Am 11.02.23 um 09:34 schrieb Daniel Watford:

After checking Saturday morning, it looks like the demo sites are not
responding to browser requests and I cannot SSH to ofbiz-vm1.apache.org,
the demo sites host.

This follows some experiments on Friday to deploy a docker container
version of OFBiz. (Progress is reported here -[OFBIZ-12757] Experiment with
deploying OFBiz containers to the demo sites server - ASF JIRA (apache.org)

On Friday we had a similar lock-up on the host which was thought to be due
to running out of memory on the VM.

I suspect that, with the nightly rebuild of trunk, stable and next, these
processes may cause a higher memory load on the server compared to normal
running, and this may have caused us to exhaust available RAM on the server

If this suspicion is correct, then there is not enough RAM on the host to
support docker experimentation in addition to normal operation of the sites.

A request has been made to INFRA for a RAM increase which has been accepted
([INFRA-24185] Request to increase RAM on ofbiz-vm1.apache.org - ASF JIRA
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-24185>). Depending on INFRA
availability, hopefully this will be completed early next week.

What can we do now?
When we had the previous lock-up on Friday, the demo host did eventually
recover and start accepting browser requests and SSH connections. I imagine
the OFBiz build process is still ongoing - and would have been running for
5.5 hours at time of writing this message.

If the host recovers and I am available, I will SSH to the host and disable
the docker containers, hopefully avoiding this issue over the next few days
until the RAM uplift is applied.

Alternatively, if we ask INFRA to reboot the VM, perhaps they can apply the
RAM lift at the same time.


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