I was going thru the trunk and noticed this in all the controllers

so there is a rule that says you can include a controller not in the
same app.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/10/2007 4:15 PM:
> Almost.
> when the included controller view calles a screen in the partymgr screen
> , and that screen calls for a parm that is web.xml. the parm is not
> availible for the screen and so fails.
> At this time, the way I handle this is to put the parm in my Web.xml.
> My suggestions was that if a call is made to a parm that would be in the
> applications, in this case partymgr, web.xml, that widget looks up the
> web.xml for that application to get it.
> Chris Howe sent the following on 11/10/2007 2:23 PM:
>> Okay, I've read through the thread.  In that case, I might suggest to take a 
>> step back and look at what the two functionalities were designed to 
>> accomplish.  
>> Creating the mainDecoratorLocation variable in the web.xml was designed for 
>> _screen reuse. the include element in the controller.xml file was designed 
>> for request/response maintenance.  
>> With that in mind, you can include another controller in your custom 
>> application and then override the view with one that points to your 
>> application.   If you wish to then include a screen from another application 
>> you can use the <include-screen> element in the screen widget and at the 
>> same time pass a parameters.mainDecoratorLocation to override the one gained 
>> from the web.xml context of the webapp being used.
>> It appears that what BJ is suggesting would make the screen being called 
>> from the ofbiz application nonreusable except as decorated as it is in the 
>> ofbiz project which defeats the entire purpose of the mainDecoratorLocation 
>> variable.  Do I follow correctly?
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
>> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:12:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: Include of controllers
>> Chris the discussion is about using the include in the controller.
>> and that the current way of putting the locations of parameters used in
>> the widgets for screen decorators is causing a problem
>> In a lot of apps the location is called out in the web.xml
>>   <context-param>
>>   <param-name>mainDecoratorLocation</param-name>
>> <param-value>component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml</param-value>
>>      <description>The location of the main-decorator screen to use for
>>  this webapp; referred to as a context variable in screen def XML
>>  files.</description>
>>    </context-param>
>> The suggeston is to take the location out to the web.xml and put in the
>> widget like so.
>> <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml">
>> Chris Howe sent the following on 11/9/2007 9:14 PM:
>>> I haven't been following the thread, but instead of setting it
>>  explicitly in the widgets section, you may prefer to define it in the 
>> actions
>>  section...
>>> <action>
>>>    <set field="parameters.mainDecoratorLocation"
>>  value="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml"/>
>>> </action>
>>> <widget>
>>>    <include-screen name="splitScreen"/>
>>> </widget>
>>> ...
>>>   <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>  location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>> <screen name="splitScreen">
>>> ...
>>> <widget>
>>> </widget>
>>> ...
>>> or something similar that it remains a variable so that you can later
>>  split the widget section out to be it's own screen so that it can be
>>  used with the decorator in another webapp.  I don't know if the screens
>>  you're worried  about here are that complex.  This has been a better
>>  pattern for me.
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
>>> Sent: Friday, November 9, 2007 9:57:00 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Include of controllers
>>> Just want to make sure we are all on the same page
>>> in a widget screen
>>>                 <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>> parameters.mainDecoratorLocation is in the Web.xml
>>>  <context-param>
>>>     <param-name>mainDecoratorLocation</param-name>
>> <param-value>component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml</param-value>
>>>     <description>The location of the main-decorator screen to use for
>>> this webapp; referred to as a context variable in screen def XML
>>> files.</description>
>>>   </context-param>
>>> so to "fix"
>>>                 <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml">
>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/9/2007 5:17 PM:
>>>> Ok so the code that allows the context to be used in the web.xml is
>>>> being depreciated?
>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 11/9/2007 5:11 PM:
>>>>> BJ,
>>>>> Nothing is being reversed. You have pointed out a weakness in how
>>>  the
>>>>> some of the party manager screens are set up (they can't be
>>  reused).
>>>  I
>>>>> have confirmed they have a problem. So submitting a patch FIXES the
>>>>> issue - it doesn't reverse anything.
>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>> I will not submit a patch for what I am proposing, like a lot of
>>  my
>>>>>> code, it stays in the applications I am doing.
>>>>>> and since someone else put effort into what is in ofbiz now
>>>>>> I do not plan to put effort into reversing it.
>>>>>> :)
>>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 11/9/2007 4:57 PM:
>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>> As I mentioned before, I believe it would be better/easier to fix
>>>  the
>>>>>>> party manager screens. Including web.xml files will open up a big
>>>  can of
>>>>>>> worms.
>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hans:
>>>>>>>> I did not put the CommonCommunicationEventDecorator location in
>>>  the
>>>>>>>> context in web.xml
>>>>>>>> this was done by someone else and is a standard through ofbiz as
>>>  far as
>>>>>>>> i can tell.
>>>>>>>> I take the path of least resistance.
>>>>>>>> Since it is possible to put context in the web.xml and someone
>>>  has
>>>>>>>> put a
>>>>>>>> lot of effort into refactoring ofbiz to this standard, I have no
>>>>>>>> intention of undoing it.
>>>>>>>> so my focus for my code will be to have the web.xml included as
>>>  well,
>>>>>>>> unless the powers to be say there is going to be a change in the
>>>  best
>>>>>>>> practices.
>>>>>>>> Hans Bakker sent the following on 11/7/2007 5:47 PM:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Bj,
>>>>>>>>> request (or provide a patch) that the
>>>>>>>>> CommonCommunicationEventDecorator
>>>>>>>>> is moved to the xml file as defined in the web.xml parameter.
>>>  Also
>>>>>>>>> request that the 'location' parameter is defined in the screen
>>>  you are
>>>>>>>>> using.
>>>>>>>>> Then you can use this screen in your own application using your
>>>  own
>>>>>>>>> decorator.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 13:42 -0800, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have a controller.xml
>>>>>>>>>> it has the include for the partymgr in it.
>>>>>>>>>> I have a menu widget that calls the partmgr
>>>>>>>>>> I have the PartymgrDecoratorLocation in my web.xml
>>>>>>>>>> so I get to the find screen OK.
>>>>>>>>>> I have a few others in my web.xml as well.
>>>>>>>>>> so I can navigate.
>>>>>>>>>> however if you don't have these in your web.xml that is in the
>>>  same
>>>>>>>>>> directory as the controller.xml you are using
>>>>>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/myapp/control/partymgr
>>>>>>>>>> then you get messages like this.
>>>>>>>>>> org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: Error rendering screen
>> [component://party/widget/partymgr/CommunicationScreens.xml#EditCommunicationEvent]:
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find screen with
>>>  name
>>>>>>>>>> [CommonCommunicationEventDecorator] in the same file as the
>>>  screen
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> name [EditCommunicationEvent] (Could not find screen with name
>>>>>>>>>> [CommonCommunicationEventDecorator] in the same file as the
>>>  screen
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> name [EditCommunicationEvent])
>>>>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any specific examples of what you're describing?
>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/5/2007 3:59 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>> sorry not a complete thougt
>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a real bug.
>>>>>>>>>>> when you included another contorller
>>>>>>>>>>> and there is a commonscreen.xml defined in the web.xml of the
>>>>>>>>>>> calling
>>>>>>>>>>> controller application it causes an error.
>>>>>>>>>>> so maybe puttting the application name before commonescreens
>>>  will
>>>>>>>>>>> eliminate that.
>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/5/2007 3:55 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a real bug.
>>>>>>>>>>>> when you included another contorller
>>>>>>>>>>>> and it has a commonscreen.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> another is that when the the other widget from the included
>>>>>>>>>>>> controller
>>>>>>>>>>>> calls for a context that is in the web.xml of that
>>>  application.
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is not found.

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