For my point of view, see

My main point is that we should handle permissions in the screens properly instead of just removing the functionality and only have them in the menu. To provide functionality within the context is important for usability.

Best regards,


Am 28.05.24 um 16:06 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Mostly for a creating action, do we need both a menu and a button for same action? And if so why?

This has recently appeared at OFBIZ-13101, but IIRW some other cases where handled the same.

If we do so (both) we then need to handle the permissions correctly. For instance, a person with only the VIEW permission should not see these menu and button. For now in some places if they click they see a message saying they are not authorised, better hide the possible click.

I guess we have much cases like that.



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