There is a lot of crazy stuff going on to make/utilize a spatial database.  
Before I go digging around for an answer to this, maybe someone can critique 
this approach and how it works against the OFBiz entity engine.

In order to access anything useful from a geospatial database (in my case 
PostgreSQL using PostGis) you have to be able to call functions.  So, first 
question:  Are there tools that exist already in OFBiz to call functions that 
exist in the database or do you _have to use the SQLProcessor to run a query 
with a function?

Second question: The data is stored as a "geometry" data type in the database.  
Most everything that is going to be consumed by OFBiz (Google Maps, etc) 
AFAICT, wants coordinate pairs and not geometry object.   Is it better 
performance/development wise to create those functions in the database or to 
process the data in OFBiz?

For a little background, this is the kind of query necessary to get a 
coordinate pair from a polygon geometry:

select gid, (
((select st_x(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),1),4030))) from precinct where gid=1),
(select st_y(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),1),4030))) from precinct where gid=1)),
((select st_x(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),2),4030))) from precinct where gid=1),
(select st_y(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),2),4030))) from precinct where gid=1)),
((select st_x(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),3),4030))) from precinct where gid=1),
(select st_y(astext(transform(st_pointn(st_exteriorring(ST_GeometryN(the_geom, 
1)),3),4030))) from precinct where gid=1))
...n->number of points in polygon
from precinct where gid =1;

----- Original Message ----
From: Al Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 12:47:37 AM
Subject: Re: GIS Tools/modeling


Sorry, I did not get around to implementing os geocoders. Here are some
links I came across, however:

One possible alternative is to find the code for a geocoder and use
 some of
the free data that is available for it to operate on. I did not look
that route, but it seems there should be plenty of examples out there
tons of TIGER  data.


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