Hi Bilgin

It wasn't directly targeted at you, it just reminded me that I had been
meaning to send a post like this to the list.

My point still stands in your case though, I read your initial comment but I
didn't look at the edited one.  For all I know you only changed one word but
the only way to find out is to stare at the email comparing each sentence
until I figure out what has changed.

I think it's better to post a new message saying something like, "Sorry I
missed sending the last two sentences, here is the entire message."


On 17/12/2007, Bilgin Ibryam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Because you posted this thread some minutes after i edited my post to
> OFBIZ-1528, i have to say that in some cases it is better to edit than
> adding new comment.
> For example while commenting on OFBIZ-1528, i pressed CTRL + R by mistake
> and sent the comment not finished. That's why i decided to edit and complete
> my comment.
> Otherwise i agree with you that reading edited comments is more difficult
> than new ones.
> +1 for not editing comments, when not necessary.
> Bilgin

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