I will create a general JIra for a config information
I don't have commit privileges.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sent the following on 12/17/2007 7:16 AM:
> Yes, BJ Freeman you can commit by yourself or at least I will wait some ideas 
> about that from others people.
> Is it something to commit also in the relase 4 ?
> Thanks
> Marco
>> I like the way the Apache httpd server has it config files commented.
>> it give you a example of what should go into the config.
>> I user the paypal config as an example.
>> #payment.paypal.notify=http://[yourserver]/ecommerce/control/payPalNotify
>> payment.paypal.notify=
>> so the configuration person does not have to hunt down documentation
>> when implementing these not so apparent configurations.

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