
It's great that you want to work on the Jira issues. I don't agree that changing the components to INCORPORATED ISSUE makes things easier to understand. Several of the issues you changed were for a specific component - for example.

Also keep in mind that issues that are assigned to committers don't need your intervention - because someone is already working on them.



Yes, Adrian I move the discussion on dev mailing list.
I'm sorry but was not my intention to made confusion on JIRA issues but instead 
remove confusion from JIRA issues.
So I tried to start reorganization of JIRA issues on the following points:

1) assign to all the issues one or more components to understand where more 
bug/improve are present (done).

2) for the INCORPORATED ISSUE (issue that contains link to single issue) I 
would like to switch those to the new fictitious component and so I have 
started to move those issues.
Doing this second step we will have a real view on which components have more 
issues and need more help.
Some current INCORPORATED ISSUE has now all the linked issues closed but the main issue has been not yet closed.
3) at the moment committer cannot understand easily which issue has already 
patch attached to it and issue that have patch review and ready to be committed.
So it's a very big problem for a new committer like me understand where I can 
help like committer or like contributor.
I ask if we can add also a new state patch available and patch tested or ready 
to be committed.

So doing those and others chages can help and speed up in resolution and 
contribution by committer/developer.

I would like to receive some feedbacks otherwise I'm thinking that normally 
people accept my proposals.

Thanks in advance

[ ]
Marco Risaliti commented on OFBIZ-1151:

Also I like this workaround to see how many INCORPORATING ISSUE are active.
Before switch the others INCORPORATING ISSUE to this new fictitious components 
I will wait some other feedback from others.




Perhaps you should discuss these changes on the dev mailing list before 
changing them.


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